The Integration of Faith and Learning


Additional Discussion Questions: Chapter 4
Political and Social Influences on Knowledge

Robert A. Harris
Version Date: June 29, 2004

These questions refer to Chapter 4 of  Robert A. Harris, The Integration of Faith and Learning (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2004). Numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the book. In addition to the “Questions for Thought and Discussion” at the end of the chapter, use these questions for additional discussion.

1. How is the search for knowledge influenced by “non-objective factors”? (58)

2. What is problematic (in terms of getting an education) about the imbalance of political views at many universities? (59)

3. For what personal and political reasons do some people reject Christianity? (60-61)

4. Explain the long popularity of exploded ideas like those of Haeckel and Mead. (61-63)

5. How does a scholarly social environment influence what findings are accepted, rejected, promoted, or downplayed as knowledge? (66-69)

6. What is the result of the “theoretical homogenization of the academy”? (69-70)

7. How do shared social values affect scholarly activity in relation to knowledge? (67-68)

8. What is the role of social power in relation to the promotion of knowledge claims? (68-69)

9. Define “ideological secularization.” (70)

10. What were Paul Vitz’ reasons for becoming an atheist in college and graduate school? What is the significance of these reasons? (71-72)