The Integration of Faith and Learning


Additional Discussion Questions: Chapter 10
Joining Faith and Learning

These questions refer to Chapter 10 of  Robert A. Harris, The Integration of Faith and Learning (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2004). Numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the book. In addition to the “Questions for Thought and Discussion” at the end of the chapter, use these questions for additional discussion.

1. What are some factors that make integration of faith and learning a challenge? (221-222)

2. Why is the false distinction approach to integration unworkable or unrealistic? (223-224)

3. Define the compatibilist, transformationist, and reconstructionist approaches to integration. (224-227)

4. What advice would you give someone who uses only the compatibilist approach to faith-learning integration?

5. Discuss the integrative approaches for addressing conflict between disciplinary claim and Christian worldview. (230-235)

6. What does the fact that there is a variety of possible integrative outcomes tell you about both the process and the results of integration? (236-241)

7. Give an example of a direction that Christian scholarship might pursue in your own major. (241-244)

8. How has your learning of disciplinary knowledge contributed to your Christian worldview thus far? (244-245)

9. In which direction(s) do you find your own integrative techniques developing?

10. In what sense is faith-learning integration a two-way process? (244)