Word Roots and Prefixes


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Root or Prefix Meaning Example Words
agon to struggle agony, protagonist, antagonist, agony, agonize,
alg pain neuralgia, analgesic, nostalgic,
alter other alternative, alternator, alteration, altercation,  alternate,
am friend amiable, amorous, amity, enamored, paramour, amicable
ambi both ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambiguous, ambient
anim alive animated, animal, inanimate, animator, anime, animation, reanimate
anthrop mankind anthropology, anthropomorphic,  philanthrophy, misanthranthropology, anthropomorphic,  philanthrophy, misanthropy
eu good, well euphoria, eulogy, euphemism, eugenics, eucalyptus, eukaryote, eurythmics, euthanasia
fore before, front forecast, forefather, foretaste, forehead, foreman, foreboding, forecastle, forearm, forebear, foreclose, foredoom, forego, forefoot, foreground, forehand, foreknowledge, foremost, foreordain, forerunner, foresee, foreshoren, foretell
ortho straight orthodontics, orthodox, orthopedic, orthoscopic, orthostatic
post after postscript, postconsumer, postdoctoral, posterior, postimpact, postfeminism, postgraduate, posthumous, postimpressionism, postlude, postmodernism, postpone, postproduction
pre before, in front of prefix, predict, prelude, predetermined, preamplifier, predestination, prebiotic, preclude, predate, predisposed, preempt, preference, prefigure, prefrontal, preheat, prehistory, presell, presumptuous, prevent, previous, pretext, pretentious, pretend
pro forward propel, proceed, produce, promote, project, proclaim, procession, profess, proffer, professor, proficient, profile, profound, profuse, progenitor, progress, prolapse, prolegomenon, prolific, prologue, prolong, pronation, pronounce, propellant, prophesy, prophecy, proponent, prorate, proscribe, prosecute, prospect, protect, protest, provide, provoke
proto first, earliest prototype, protoplasm, protohistory, protocol, protogalaxy, proton, prototypical, protozoa
quasi approximately, resembling, to some degree quasiperiodical, quasiparticle, quasi-governmental, quasi-scientific, quasi-judicial, quasi-stellar, quasi-public
ultra beyond, extremely ultraviolet, ultrasonic, ultramarine, ultrafine, ultrasensitive, ultrawide, ultrapure, ultraquiet
under beneath, below, too little undercoat, underwear, underestimate, underbid, underexpose, undercut, underclassmen, undernourished, underground, undersized, underhand, underlay, undermine, underneath,  underpass, underpowered, underline, understand, undertake, undertone, undertow, undervalue, underwrite

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