Patients Are People, Too (My Father’s Memoirs)


Many people write their memoirs after retirement. My father was among those who sat down to recall the experiences of his medical training and practice. His account is rather amazing to me, as I shudder to think how recently in time some of the treatments we rely on have become available. To imagine that a world without antibiotics or modern diagnostic equipment existed as recently as the 1930’s seems surprising to me.

I hope you enjoy this highly anecdotal account of my father’s practice. His opinions, are, of course, his own, and as he says in the introduction, the names have all been changed to protect privacy. I have changed very little in transcribing this book, adding or deleting a few punctuation marks and only occasionally changing a word or phrase for clarity. Thus, the style and content have been preserved. (Yes, he really did call people “chaps” and “fellows,” or if they were irritating to him, “that outfit.”) October 17, 2002 was the 99th anniversary of his birthday, so I have posted his book now as my tribute to him.

Note: On July 1, 2005, reposted all chapters with many typos corrected. A print version is coming soon.

If you find any typos, please let me know at RHarris at

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Medical School
Chapter 3: My First Practice
Chapter 4: Internship
Chapter 5: Men
Chapter 6: Suicide
Chapter 7: Women
Chapter 8: In General
Chapter 9: A Bit of Philosophy
Chapter 10: Alcoholism
Chapter 11: Some Doctors I Have Known
Chapter 12: Improved Medication
Chapter 13: Trends in Modern Medicine
Chapter 14: In Closing

About the author
Trester Smith Harris, M.D. was born in Konawa, Oklahoma Territory, on October 17, 1903. His father was also a medical doctor. Dr. Harris was in private practice for many years in Los Angeles, then worked for a few years at a the California Rehabilitation Center in Norco, California. After retirement, he wrote these memoirs about 1973. He passed away on September 21, 1975.







Dr. Harris in 1937 (age 34) and Marie, the beautiful nurse who later became his wife. Marie’s photo was taken in 1934. They were married in 1939.

Note: This memoir of my father’s experiences and opinions is not intended to constitute medical advice. If you have medical questions, consult qualified medical authorities.