Multiple Choice Quiz #1 for Robert Cialdini’s Influence: Science and Practice


In each case, choose the single best answer.

1. Charities that send you half a dozen greeting cards along with a request for a donation are using the compliance technique of

a. commitment
b. liking
c. scarcity
d. authority
e. reciprocation

2. Attributes like physical attractiveness, similarity, praise, touching, and repeated contact are related to which compliance technique?

a. commitment
b. liking
c. scarcity
d. authority
e. reciprocation

3. The four conditions that should be present for a commitment to be effective and have an influence on self image include all of the following EXCEPT

a. active
b. popular
c. public
d. effortful
e. freely chosen

4. Some studies show that men and women who are avid readers of muscle, fitness, swimsuit, and fashion magazines are less satisfied with their spouses after reading than before. This is likely the result of which principle?

a. reciprocation
b. authority
c. contrast
d. social proof
e. scarcity

5. In news stories of a trial, you read that the judge has banned certain items of evidence from being presented. You recognize that as far as the public is concerned, these items are likely to take on even more importance than if they had been admitted into evidence. You know this because of the principle of

a. authority
b. liking
c. social proof
d. psychological reactance
e. the Werther effect

6. When a congregation is given an altar call, first a person or two begins to come, then several, then a larger number all at once. This trickle-into-flood effect is the result of which principle?

a. fixed-action patterns
b. judgmental heuristics
c. reciprocation
d. social proof
e. liking

7. Which is not an item connected to the authority principle?

a. wearing a suit and tie or uniform
b. being tall or wearing lifts in one’s shoes
c. having an impressive title
d. driving an expensive car or having a large office
e. being a good negotiator

8. The Werther effect relates to

a. following authority blindly, even to causing harm to others
b. copycat suicides
c. copycat arson
d. starting small and building on commitment
e. buying frenzies at sales of heavily discounted merchandise

9. The advertisement, “While Supplies Last” is an attempt to use the compliance principle of

a. liking
b. authority
c. scarcity
d. commitment
e. rejection then retreat

10. Often sellers of a series of items (coins, books, even steaks) offer you the first one or several for a reduced price. Once you begin buying part of set, you are more likely to continue because of the principle of

a. liking
b. authority
c. scarcity
d. commitment
e. rejection then retreat