Extractor Word Game


To play Extractor, choose a long mother word and find as many words inside the long word as possible. Letters in the word cannot be moved around or skipped. To find the words inside, you first look forwards. Then you look backwards.


Mother Word: Extractor
Words inside forward:

Words inside backward:



Extrapolate Antepenultimate
late lop ant mit
trap par pen pet
extra part ultimate tam
rap art mate
ate ate
at at


Stupendous Imagination
up put nation no
upend ion an
end gin tan
us at gam
pen in am
pend on


Continuous Gastroenteritis
con nit gas sit
tin no as tire
on unit roe ort
us enter

The Rules for Extractor

1. To determine who goes first, add the number of the month you were born in to the day of the month it is today. If the total is even, subtract the number of the month it is now. If the total is odd, add the number of the month it is now. If you are beginning play nearest an odd numbered hour, the player with the highest total starts first. If you are beginning play nearest an even numbered hour, the player with the lowest total starts first. In the event of a tie, each player flips a coin 10 times and the one with the most number of heads starts first.
2. The player who starts first, chooses the first mother word.
3. Players take turns naming a word as the mother word for the next round
4. Players take turns identifying a word inside the mother word.
5. Each player receives one point for each word named.
6. When a player declares that he or she cannot find any more words in the mother word, he or she can pass and allow the other players to continue.
7. When everyone agrees that the mother word is exhausted, the player with the next lowest or highest total from Rule 1 can choose another mother word.
8. Play continues until 10 mother words have been exhausted.
9. The player with the highest score wins.
10. Agree on a handy dictionary to settle disputes about what is a word.

Tips and Hints

1. It’s not always the longest word that contains the most embedded words. A word of eight letters might have substantially more embedded words than a sixteen letter word.
2. Eventually will get tired of compounded words with Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes. See if you can reach beyond those.
3. As life itself, the longer and more carefully you search, the more riches you will find. So take your time and go back and forth.