Writing with Clarity and Style: A Guide to Rhetorical Devices for Contemporary Writers, 2nd Edition


The second edition of my rhetoric book is published by Routledge.

Writing with Clarity and Style: A Guide to Rhetorical Devices for Contemporary Writers, 2nd Ed.
Robert A. Harris
Taylor and  Francis  / Routledge
ISBN 978-1-138-56009-3 paper. 219 pages

Now better than ever! One of the most in-depth collections of its kind, this book has been carefully designed to teach you how to use 60 rhetorical devices, which are profusely illustrated with hundreds of examples. This is a writer’s learning tool–not a handbook.

  • The book is designed to give writers a set of practical tools for making writing clear, interesting, and effective.
  • Discussions and examples show how the proper use of rhetoric can be a friend, not a foe, of good writing and better communication.
  • Learn how the devices presented in the book can give your writing life, freshness, and texture to make it more appealing.
  • The book is written in clear, easily accessible language.
  • Many paired examples present the same ideas with and without rhetorical devices so that you can compare the difference.
  • Most examples show the use of the devices in contemporary writing.
  • Unlike handbooks, this book presents a full discussion of each of the 60 devices, how it can be used, and how it affects tone and meaning.
  • Extensive exercises will help you practice and apply each of the devices. Learning by doing is emphasized throughout the text.
  • End-of-chapter “Style Check” sidebars explore numerous aspects of style.
  • Each term includes a pronunciation guide.
  • Five fully annotated appendices show before and after examples with the use of the devices in these contemporary writing situations: newspaper editorials, business memoranda, social worker reports, graduate school admissions essays, and short stories. Exercises in these appendices provide similar passages that you can improve by using the devices covered in the book.
  • An index and an alphabetical table of contents make the book useful as a reference tool, if you insist!

Copies are also available from Amazon.com:

As a bonus free gift to purchasers of the book, a supplement is available for download that contains hundreds of examples of the devices as used in the Bible. Get the supplement here (requires Adobe Reader).