Information Literacy Quiz #1


Choose the single best answer in each case.

1. A book review that assesses the value and usefulness of a book would be an example of

a. planted information
b. metainformation
c. disinformation
d. misinformation
e. confirmation bias

2. As a student, you can include a copyrighted map in your research paper

a. if you pay the royalty fee through the Copyright Clearinghouse
b. if you obtain written permission from the publisher
c. because all maps are renderings of the “public geography”
d. because you have fair use under copyright law
e. never–it is a criminal offense

3. A file automatically included at the end of an email, giving the writer’s name and other information is called a

a. paste-in
b. PDA file
c. drop-in
d. address file
e. signature file

4. The recognition that information varies widely in its accuracy, reliability, slant, and timeliness belongs to the concept of

a. information quality
b. information asymmetry
c. information scarcity
d. information overload
e. infomediation

5. Which Boolean operator will expand a search the most?

a. AND
b. OR
d. ADJ
e. NOT

6. The FOREST LOG search scheme helps you to

a. eliminate unnecessary search terms.
b. identify additional terms to use in your search
c. organize your search in fixed, logical steps
d. proceed from directory to engine in a sensible way
e. concatenate the dynamic decentering of exogenous verbal constructs

7. The top-level domain with the highest degree of “official” status is

a. .net
b. .com
c. .edu
d. .org
e. .gov

8. The point at which adding more information to the information already present for a decision causes the quality of the decision to decline is

a. data smog
b. hyperinformation
c. information overload
d. disinformation
e. information asymmetry

9. What technique is used to make a particular piece of information stand out in an arena of very large quantities of information?

a. exaggeration
b. claims of exclusivity
c. claims of secrecy
d. qualities of the bizarre or of excess
e. all of the above

10. From what you have read about how information works, what can you conclude is the likely future of Internet-spread urban legends?

a. they will soon be buried and forgotten by large quantities of new information.
b. the urban legends of today will be forgotten and replaced by new legends of tomorrow.
c. information consumers of the future will be too sophisticated to spread urban legends.
d. new legends will arise, but the old ones will never completely disappear.
e. the speed of information will cause any new legends to be debunked and stopped immediately.